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Letter from Beryl Cheetham to Savitri Devi – 13 April 1982

351 words

Frankfurt am Main
13 April 1982

My Dear Savitri,

I was so happy to see you last weekend, but so unhappy over your circumstances. Mlle. Truchet is a good friend and I am sure she will do her best to help you return to India where I think you would be happiest.

As I promised you, I have written to Françoise Dior to apprise her of your circumstances and also to Colin Jordan. Let’s hope they can help you. I have also written to Matt Koehl of the American National Socialists to suggest your making a lecture tour for them, which you mentioned to me. I have registered the letter to make sure he gets it as it is so important.

I think I forgot to mention to you that when I received your letter I immediately wrote to the Book-handler that you mentioned regarding Johannes von Leers’s book Odal. Not having received a reply, I telephoned him but he has retired and sold the business. However, I managed to get in touch with the new owner who advised me that they have the book on order. As soon as I receive it (it may take a time), I will send it to you.

I have not written to Miss Hirn as I know that Mlle. Truchet is contacting her.

I have also written to Miss Gantry. To all these people I have given Mlle. Truchet’s name and address as your contact, as she told me that you are leaving the place outside Lyons.

Dear Savitri, I will keep in contact with you — I was so happy to see you again but unhappy to see your circumstances. I only wish I could be of more practical help. I won’t be able to come to Lyons again until I get a job and can start earning some money again, and I have no hopes of that yet. I know how difficult it is for you to see to write so don’t bother answering this letter unless you wish to. I will keep in touch through Mlle. Truchet.

All my very best love Savitri,