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Letter from Beryl Cheetham to Savitri Devi – 13 September 1982

309 words

13 September 1982

My dear Savitri,

Just a very short note to thank you for your letter and to send you the enclosed which I hope is OK. It was a bit difficult to do as the book is rather wide so I could only do one page at a time. Regarding Impeachment, I will try to do this but it is rather thick and I shall have to try to find a time when nobody is around as I would get into serious trouble if anyone found me doing it on the machine as it is an expensive process. By the way, I noticed in Joy of the Sun that you have written two other books about him — do you have them or where could I either get or borrow a copy?

Regarding the French books, they came all with Cellotape on as I sent them on to you in that condition.

Did you get the letter from America that I also forwarded to you?

I hope that you find your place where you are now staying more to your liking as regards food. However, before you go on your travels again, please let me have your addresses in Switzerland, Paris, and USA. I take it that in England you will stay with your old friend whose address I already have or with Joe Jones.

Did I mention to you that Diana Hughes had Françoise staying with her recently? Do you want me to contact Denis Pirie for you to let him know when you are going to England — when you send me the date, I will let him know, and he can come up from Brighton to see you.

Please excuse the hurry of this note but, as usual, I am typing it in the office and have to be quick before anyone sees.

All my love,