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Letter from Beryl Cheetham to Savitri Devi – 14 October 1982

427 words

14 October 1982

My dear Savitri,

I enclose the photographs taken in France earlier in the year — I think they are very good.

I hope you received the book all right, which I sent to you at Madame Remy’s address. I’m sorry about the letter to you that I opened by mistake but I just tore it open without having looked at the front of the envelope.

I got your present address from M. Remy — I telephoned you there because Matt Koehl telephoned me last night about your tour of America — he had written to you but at Prien and then in Munich and he was not sure that you had received his letters. If you can, please telephone me. I tried to get your present telephone number from Directory Enquiries but they could find no telephone number belonging to the name Geanne in Nantes.

I wrote to Joe Jones and to Miss Gantry about the possibility of your landing in England and Jones telephoned me and said it was all OK and that he had written to you at the Remy’s address.

Matt Koehl would like you to postpone the American tour until about April if possible because he needs a lot of time to fix things up properly so that everything can run smoothly when you are there. He is very, very serious about the whole thing and is obviously a very intelligent man and very businesslike and competent. He asked me to stress to you that if there was this delay and it added to your expense in living costs that the ANP [American Nazi Party] could make a contribution (about a thousand dollars) towards your living costs until that time, and he said that if it were not possible to stay with your friend in England that perhaps you could move into lodgings somewhere there for which they would pay.

He added that if it were not possible for you to wait until that time, he would try to speed things up for you to come in either March, February, January, or even at the very earliest, December.

Perhaps it would be better if you were to ring him direct — he mentioned that he would take care of the telephone costs, so perhaps you could transfer the telephone charges if that were absolutely necessary. His telephone number in America (whatever that dialing code is from France) is [. . .]

Please write to me or telephone and let me know how things awe with you, I do hope that you are keeping well,

All my love,