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Letter from Beryl Cheetham to Savitri Devi – 26 October 1982

171 words

26 October 1982

My dear Savitri,

Just a few lines to say that Joe Jones rung me and let me know that you are with Miss Gantry, and, also to enclose a letter from Gudrun Himmler which she asked me to send to you next time I wrote.

I have visited her two or three times and talk English with Astrid and Gero her children. She showed me your letter and the nice things you had said about her father.

I hope you are keeping well after your somewhat hectic journey from France which Joe told me about. I also hope you got my letter which I sent to Geanny in Paris.

Françoise Dior rang me the other day and said that she had seen you in Paris and hopes to be in England for Xmas when I will also be there, so I hope that we can see you then.

I must finish this now in order to catch the post. Hoping to hear from you soon.

All my love,