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Letter from Savitri Devi to Beryl Cheetham – 16 March 1968

1,163 words

16 March 1968

(724 years exactly — 16-March-
1244 — after the surrender of the
fortress of Montségur — near the
Pyrenees — the stronghold of the
famous Albigensians). A sad day.

Dear Beryl,

I was so glad to get your letter—and be able to thank you for the book you sent me. It is interesting — all the more so that a Jew wrote it. It shows they still fear us. It shows — alas! — also what the answer to your disappointment should be: there never were many real National Socialists in Germany, even at the height of that glory that was the Third German Reich. Now is the time in which the weeds are being separated from the good corn. And — naturally — there is pretty little of the latter. There always is — in any society.

But I can well understand you. Like I, you went to Germany with the pictures of the cheering crowds of old vivid within your memory: the thousands of outstretched arms, the wild cries of “Sieg! Heil!” and the Brown Shirts marching along the streets to the tune of the Horst Wessel Song. It was a grand sight, I admit. The R.A.F. and the American bombers destroyed it.

The English and the Americans are paying for that crime, and will pay for it for further centuries. I can’t help feeling “it serves them right” and am planning to give extra food to my stray cats — and perhaps even go and have a nice slice of cake and a cup of cocoa (which I never have because I cannot afford it — on the day I shall read on the first page of the papers at the newspaper stalls — at 6:30 a.m. when I go and pick up the cats’ dishes left out at night in different places — : “Khe-sahn, fallen to the Viet-Cong. Terrible massacre of Americans.”

I shall think of Dresden — 13 February 1945 and of its boiling streets (melting asphalt) pouring into the cellars where the people who had loved my Führer (and hated him, like the Khe-sahn Yanks!) were gathered, and burning them. I do hope some of those who bombed Germany are young enough to be serving in Viet Nam, and I wish them all to get back what they did. And don’t tell me they are Aryans! All the worse for them if they are, for then, by not protesting against the 1939-1945 war, by doing what the Jews and Roosevelt wanted, they are traitors to their own blood.

I hate the United Nations of the Second World War as I hate those (Germans!) who, in the 8th and 9th centuries, under Charles the Saxonslayer, helped Christianize Germany by force. But I must say, were the Germans as a whole what I should have liked them to be — I remember my feelings before I ever set foot in the Holy Land — “every German an Angel; every member of the NSDAP an Archangel; every SS man a demigod” — they neither would have become Christians (in spite of all the terror!) nor — now in the 20th century — have become “welfare minded”; Americanized — or I suppose “Russified” on the other side of the iron curtain.

The trouble is that the dream — our dream — of a superior collectivity proves automatically to be “but a dream” as soon as the collectivity exceeds a few thousands. The Spartans were a superior Aryan collectivity. But they were 9000 only. Multiplied by 10 — and so much more by 100 or 1000 — they would have contained within their ranks 90% two-legged mammals. For, that is what all majorities, all collectivities of every race are: two-legged mammals; with all the urges of the four-legged ones, and — in general — without their beauty. Certainly without their innocence. I despise them all.

A man of the real élite — Herr B. (Heinrich Blume) of Pilgrimage, who lived in the Führer’s immediate surroundings and was one of his first disciples — told me that in 1935-36-37 — at the time all seemed so perfect! — there never were more than three hundred thousand real National Socialists in the whole of the greater Reich. Fourteen million members of the party — men and women with a card — yes. But only 300,000 National Socialists. And — added Herr B. — there are still 300,000 or so. Old ones have died; young ones are growing up, “gold in the furnace” in the years immediately after the disaster (I wrote the book of that title in 1948-49) and . . . twenty years later, “gold in the [illegible].”

Let it be said to Germany’s glory that she still has the greatest proportion of them, among all Aryan countries in the world. You will get to know them bit by bit. (I shall give you a few more addresses, among others, that of Himmler’s daughter in Munich — who is now Frau Burwitz (she married a Prussian) and the mother of a son born on 24 February 1968, exactly 48 years after the official foundation of the NSDAP (24 February 1920).

I must also say that Frankfurt is the last place to see real Germany; was the last place, at any epoch. (In early 18th century it had a population of which 1/5 was . . . Jewish!) I expect you have already seen German girls going around with American Negroes. I saw plenty in Frankfurt. They made me sick. There is only one remedy to that — before we take power again (and, sorry to say, again for reasons that are those of the two-legged mammal, not ours), and that is — the total collapse of the dollar. (I hope the Viet Nam war will bring about that, sooner or later.)

I am glad you liked my Long-Whiskers. (“Miu,” who was still alive when I wrote the book, died on 12 June 1967 at the age of 19 or 20. The vet diagnosed . . . cancer of the mouth. The cat died in my friend’s arms, after she had done all she could for him.) I wish I could finish my book in French (about Tyrtaios the Athenian). Shall try to during the long holidays, for now the correcting of these hated copies takes all my time — alas!

I am giving you a few addresses and a word for each person to show you come from me. There is first my friend Frau Marianne Meinecke, near Hannover. When you go there, go to her son’s — Willfried Meinecke, 3 Odensstraße (a building occupied by offices. He has a shoe trade (Schuchgroßhandlung). Give him the letter and say it is for his mother. (I don’t remember her exact address. Have it. But can’t find it just now.)

There is also, as I said, Frau Gudrun Burwitz (née Himmler) [address omitted].

There is wonderful Frau von Barényi. (Tortured by the Communists in Prague 1945.) The author of several books on the horrors of Prague. A lover of animals, also [address omitted]

And there is also (among others) Dr. Hertha Schülze [address omitted]. She can speak English. You can write to her. Frau Meinecke and Frau Burwitz and Frau von Barényi can also speak English.

With all my best, very best love and a hearty “Heil Hitler!”

Yours sincerely,

Put each letter in an envelope, naturally.