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Letter from Savitri Devi to Beryl Cheetham – 5 March 1982

311 words

Vurey pres de Genas
(Some 15 miles from Lyons my native town)
5 March 1982

My dear Beryl,

It is so kind of you to write to poor old me — nearly 77, nearly blind (can read only printed or typed matter) and half paralysed (right side since 31 March 81).

Miss Crystal Rogers took charge of my last cats whom I followed to her animals’ home near Jaipur. A German friend and “Gleichgesinnte” paid my passage back to Europe — to Germany. But the present-day rulers of that unfortunate land don’t want awful Nazis like myself — even in my physical state. I was expelled and came to my native town to a comrade’s: Mlle. France Truchet [address omitted]. (It was a suburb of Lyon but is now separate.) You can contact her. She knows English (and in jail for our common faith from 1944 to 48).

I’ll be delighted to see you. As you know I cannot go to England. I was expelled in 1962 after the Cotswolds Camp and then 4 times (unsuccessfully) to come back again.

If I could have a free, independent room, where I could cook a cup of coffee, make a lettuce salad for myself, and have a cat, that would half reconcile me with my fate. Or else — go back to New Delhi, take a room, a servant, and, of course, a cat.

I have here my vegetarian food, but the atmosphere — old people talking of nothing but their ailments (or — food!) is very depressing. I am here till end of March. And then?? Do write quickly and tell me when you are coming.

How do you find my writing for a paralysed hand? Fortunately my head is OK. Could you possibly find Johann von Leers’ book ODAL (Odal). Perhaps antiquarian Reinhardt [address omitted] can get it. Write to him. He knows me. Thank you. (I’ll pay for it.) Expecting you soon.

Savitri Dêvi Mukherji