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Letter from Savitri Devi to Professor A – 3 July 1976

364 words

New Delhi
3 July 1976[1] [1]

Dearest comrade,

I was profoundly touched and am sending you my most hearty thanks for your help of $200 towards the printing of my book. Now forma 21 is being set and you’ll soon get the proofs of 19 and 20 — and soon also — I hope — the whole book. I feel extremely honored at the idea that such a well-informed and thoughtful man as you appreciates it.

Forma 20 which I am correcting now deals on animals and forests, deploring the encroachment of that which is called “civilization” upon the dwelling space of beautiful non-human creatures. I wonder whether you will agree with all I say in that chapter — in particular with my idea that irresponsible breeding of the worst types of mankind is the major catastrophe of our times. (And all those who work against natural selection are to blame for it.) In the same chapter (Chapter 11: “L’irrémédiable decadence”) I also deplore the rapid loss of that link of affection which used to exist not so long ago — in my childhood days, say, i.e., some 65 years ago — between any peasant and his “companions of work” — his bullocks, his horse — creatures now more and more replaced by soulless mechanics. I quote (as a footnote) a song of the old French poet and singer Pierre Dupont:

J’ai deus grands boeufs dans mon étable,
Deux grands boeufs beaux, marqués de roux.
La charme est en bois de érable
Et l’aiguillon, en bois de houx

And the 2 verses [sic]:

S’il me fallait les vendre
J’amerai mieux me pendre!

Excuse me for not writing a long letter. I congratulate you on the 2nd Centenary of the existence of the U.S.A. as a State — which is tomorrow (4 July 1776–4 July 1976). And I can’t help thinking what a damned fool the English king proved himself to be!! Dear me, anyone in his place would have dropped the tax on tea entirely, and . . . kept the allegiance of his subjects (since it depended upon the principle of “no taxes unless first voted by the people’s assembly”).

With renewed thanks and with the ritual greetings of the faithful,

Yours sincerely,
Savitri Dêvi Mukherji

Mes amités à votre fille.


[1] [2] From a transcription by the recipient. Original lost.