This gallery contains photographs from Savitri’s personal collection as well as photographs and documents related to her death, her cremation service, and her New Order memorial service.
Savitri's picture of Hitler as baby
Savitri's picture of Hitler with fawn
Savitri Devi's death certificate
Muriel Gantry's funeral oration
20 February 1983
Arlington, Virginia, United States
Savitri died on 22 October 1982 at Moira Cottage, the home of her old friend Muriel Gantry, in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England. She was cremated on 7 December 1982 in Colchester. Her ashes were then sent to Matt Koehl of New Order, the successor organization of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party. Savitri’s ashes were placed alongside those of Rockwell in the New Order’s Valhalla. This photo is from the New Order memorial service. Draped over the wreath is a ceremonial sash worn by Adolf Hitler.Memorial Service
Memorial service list of events