Books as Maximine Portaz
Books & Pamphlets as Savitri Devi
L’étang aux Lotus
[The Lotus Pond]
A Warning to the Hindus
The Non-Hindu Indians and Indian Unity
Akhnaton’s Eternal Message
A Scientific Religion 3,300 Years Old
A Perfect Man: Akhnaton, King of Egypt
Joy of the Sun
The Beautiful Life of Akhnaton, King of Egypt, Told To Young People
A Son of God
The Life and Philosophy of Akhnaton, King of Egypt
Akhnaton: A Play
Impeachment of Man
Gold in the Furnace
Gold im Schmelztiegel
Erlebnisse im Nachkriegsdeutschland -- Eine Huldigung an Deutschland
The Lightning and the Sun
Paul de Tarse, ou Christianisme et Juiverie
Pamphlet — [Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry]
Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry
First edition — English translation by R. G. Fowler
Paulo de Tarso, ou Cristianismo e Judaísmo
Paulus frå Tarsus, elder Kristendom og Jødedom
Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess
or the True Story of a “Most Objectionable Nazi” and . . . Half-A-Dozen Cats
Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne
[Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman]
And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews
Posthumous & Unfinished Books
Forever and Ever
Hart Wie Kruppstahl
[Hard As Krupp Steel]
“After the deluge—We!”
Epilogue of Hart wie Kruppstahl (Hard as Krupp Steel)
Translated by Savitri Devi — Edited by R.G. Fowler
Tyrtée l’Athénien
[Tyrtaios the Athenian]
Ironies et paradoxes dans l’histoire et la légende
[Ironies and Paradoxes in History and Legend]
Translations as Maximine Portaz
A Fighter for Truth and Justice
A Review of the Books of Olga von Barényi
Paganismo indio:
la última expresión viva de la belleza aria
Shinto, the National Religion of Japan
By Savitri Devi, Litt. D. (Lyon)
Shinto, die Nationalreligion Japans
von Dr. phil. (Lyon) Savitri Devi
Le shinto, religion nationale du Japon
Par Savitri Devi, docteure ès-Lettres (Lyon)
Sintoísmo. La religión nacional de Japón.
The Egyptian Conquest of Nubia
Edited by R.G. Fowler
Die ägyptische Eroberung Nubiens
Ediert von R.G. Fowler — übersetzt von Bastian Thoemmes
Shinto: The Way of the Gods
Hitlerism and Hindudom
Edited by R.G. Fowler
Χιτλερισμός και Ινδουϊσμός
Lost Essays
Adolf Hitler halála
From The Lightning and the Sun
A Man Against Time
Invocation aux dieux
Φεμινισμός και Εθνικοσοσιαλισμός
From Gold in the Furnace
Cosmotheism in Savitri Devi
Remembering Sven Hedin
From And Time Rolls On
Citations choisies
[Selected Quotations] — Edité et traduit par Arjuna
Don’t Call Me “Mrs. Devi”
From a letter to Martin Kerr
Edited by R.G. Fowler
Nennen Sie mich nicht “Mrs. Devi”
Aus einem Brief an Martin Kerr
Ediert von R. G. Fowler, übersetzt von Bastian Thoemmes
Ne m’appelez pas “Mme Devi”
Extrait d’une lettre à Martin Kerr
Edité par R.G. Fowler, traduit par Arjuna
Thoughts on Reincarnation
A Selection from her Correspondence and Interviews — Edited by R.G. Fowler
Pensées sur la réincarnation
Une sélection tirée de sa Correspondance et de ses Interviews — Edité par R.G. Fowler — Traduit par Arjuna
Gedanken über Reinkarnation
Eine Auswahl aus ihrer Korrespondenz und ihren Interviews — Ediert von R.G. Fowler — Übersetzt von Bastian Thoemmes
Ironies and Paradoxes in History and Legend
Savitri Devi on her Last Book
A Selection from her Correspondence and Interviews — Edited by R.G. Fowler
Correspondence with Marc Nicoud
Correspondence with Young Comrade A
Correspondence with Gaston-Armand Amaudruz
Correspondence with Saint-Loup
Correspondence with Professor B
Correspondence with Revilo P. Oliver
Correspondence with Beryl Cheetham
Correspondence with André Brissaud
Correspondence with Marianne Singer
Audio Letter to Miriam Hirn 1
Audio Letter to Miriam Hirn 2
Audio Letter to Miriam Hirn 3
Audio Letter to Georg Schrader
Letter to Miguel Serrano – 31 March 1980
Edited and translated by R.G. Fowler
Brief an Miguel Serrano – 31. März 1980
Ediert von R.G. Fowler — Übersetzt von Christian Desruelles
Письмо Мигелю Серрано – 31 марта 1980
Редактор Р.Г. Фоулер — Перевод: Frater Heinrich
Letter to Miguel Serrano – 28 March 1980
Edited by R.G. Fowler
Brief an Miguel Serrano – 28. März 1980
Ediert von R.G. Fowler — Übersetzt von Bastian Thoemmes
Письмо Мигелю Серрано – 28 марта 1980
Редактор Р.Г. Фоулер — Перевод: Frater Heinrich
Letter to Miguel Serrano – 20 April 1982
Edited by R.G. Fowler
Письмо Мигелю Серрано – 20 апреля 1982
Редактор Р.Г. Фоулер — Перевод: Frater Heinrich
Letters to Matt Koehl
Correspondence with Aldous Huxley
Edited by R.G. Fowler
Korrespondenz mit Aldous Huxley
Ediert von R.G. Fowler — Übersetzt von Bastian Thoemmes
Correspondance avec Aldous Huxley
Édité par R.G. Fowler - Traduit par Arjuna
Correspondence with George Lincoln Rockwell
Letters to Martin Kerr
Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Autobiographical Letter
1 October 1980
by Savitri Devi, translated by R.G. Fowler