Letter from Savitri Devi to Revilo P. Oliver – 11 July 1979
2,522 words
New Delhi
11 July 1979
Dear friend,
Many thanks for your parcel of books — and excuse me if my writing is not quite clear. For one fortnight I could not write at all: I should have minded my own business, but I did not and tried to separate two of my tom-cats (I have five) that were fighting. One tried to escape my grip and scratched me, deeply sticking his claws in my right wrist. (Not his fault, poor beast — my oldest cat. But my fault: voilá ce qu’on gagne à se mêler de ce qui ne nous regarde pas! [see what one gets for interfering in what does not concern us!]) My right hand was swollen and painful. I could not use it at all and had to take antibiotics (I never took any medicine at all in my life) to avoid further infection. And these got me down. I am slowly recovering and beginning again to write.
I read carefully and with great interest your two works Conspiracy or Degeneracy? and Christianity and the Survival of the West. I appreciate your honest efforts for the defense of our common race: the Aryan. But my views widely differ from yours, especially as regards Christianity — you must have been aware of that if you read my Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne, especially Chapter IV.
I cannot accept your statement that Christianity is an “Indo-European religion.” Anything but! Political and historical causes have made it possible to force it upon our European ancestors: in particular the desire of Constantine to give some sort of unity to the Roman Empire, and the desire (later) of the Frankish kings to get an excuse for wars of conquest against “heathen” people, i.e., their German blood brothers. And don’t tell me the North of Europe accepted the new foreign faith (foreign, I say, because the whole of it rests on the alleged story of a lot of Jews) willingly. Olaf Tryggvason, King of Norway, and his successors (Olaf “the Saint”) forced Christianity onto the people by sword and fire. And the same happened in Sweden and Denmark. As for Germany’s conversion — through the 30 year war of Charlemagne (Karl der Sachsenschlächter [Karl the Saxon-Butcher]) against the hero of Aryan National Tradition Wittukind, not to speak of the further activities of the Teutonic Knights against the heathen Lithuanians and Prussians, it is from A to Z a story of terror. “Into that ancient world, so much freer than ours, spiritual terror stepped through Christianity,” says our Führer in the 1935 German edition of Mein Kampf, p. 507. (I have quoted this so many times in Hindi or Bengali translation, during my activities against Christianity for years and years, that I know the whole passage, and others, by heart.)
What is Indo-European is not the Gospels and their miracle stories and their so-called “values,” but what we people of Aryan race in Europe had before — in the days when we were free from Semitic influences and from that concoction of Eastern parables and philosophy of the decadent Hellenistic period, that a band of degenerate Greeks and Greek-speaking Near Easterners forced onto us with the blessings of the converted Roman Emperors — especially Constantine and Theodosius.
I came to India not for the sake of any individual. I met Mr. Mukherji, a fair-skinned Brahmin of Bengal, and a devotee of Adolf Hitler like myself, in Calcutta, after six years’ stay in India, and he gave me his name at the outbreak of the war, for me not to be interned as a Nazi, as many were (as he logically should have been, but he was too clever for the enemy). I came primarily to find “a second best,” a sort of tropical equivalent of our old Aryan Paganism, both from Greece and from the North. For I hated Christianity — and do still — in the name of which that beauty that was Hellas was all but killed. (It survives in an anti-Christian Aryan minority, comprising the élite of National Socialists of yesterday and today.)
After a stay in Ceylon, I crossed over to Rameshwaram and saw the nightly procession in the temple on the Full Moon Day of the month of Vaishaka. I saw the dusky Dravidian crowds throw flowers at the chariot in which Rama and Sita — Aryan conqueror of the South and his consort, represented White — while it was drawn around the sacred tank. I took it as an homage to the Master Race and was happy.
A few days later, I was admiring the 28 monumental gateways of the Temple of Srirangam — 7 in each direction — sticking out of the dense tropical vegetation, in the distance, from the height of the terrace of the Golden Rock Temple of Trichinopoli. As I turned my head the other way, however, I noticed a big ugly building — like an enormous box full of windows, a disgrace to the foreground landscape. And as I asked people what “that” was, I was told “it is the Jesuit Hospital.” “Oh, oh,” thought I, “they have come to destroy ‘this’ — one of the last surviving beautiful paganisms — and to build ‘that’!” A hospital. And I remembered that the first hospital in Europe was built in Constantinople under the Christian Emperors. And my decision was taken: not only would I witness what survives of the Aryan spirit and tradition in Hinduism, but I would fight for it.
And I went about South India with a magnifying glass (au figuré! [figuratively speaking]) seeking any organization fighting the Christian missionaries, in the name of Hindu Tradition. In those days — in the South at least — 47 years ago — there were none. Once a man stepped out of his caste by becoming a Christian, there was no hope of return. And converts were many . . . for the sake of rice and social aid.
But in Bengal I discovered the “Hindu Mission” and went and offered by services to its founder Swami Satyananda. He asked me what my purpose was in fighting Christianity. I told him I was a devotee of Adolf Hitler, bitterly feeling the demoralizing effect of Christian “love of man” (and of man alone of all creatures) on Europe itself, and that in fighting what the Pagan Roman Emperors called the “new superstition,” I would be — in my humble way — avenging the harm done to my Pagan forefathers of long ago, from the awful murder of Hypatia (415 AD) to the mass beheading of the 4,500 German warriors by order of Charlemagne at Verden/Aller (782 AD). I was accepted — and permitted to express whatever ideas I liked, especially about National Socialism, “provided I present them in the light of Hindu Tradition” — which was easy. (The Hindus believe in the fundamental inequality of the races and the superiority of the Aryan.)
I lectured for years from place to place throughout Bengal (West and East Bengal), Bihar, and Assam, telling the Hindus, “Don’t do like our fathers in Europe! Don’t give up your Aryan tradition — or what is left of it. However pale compared with what the Great Race brought you during the Vedic days, it is better than what these Jesus worshippers have to give you. Spit upon their bribes and don’t listen to them!” And I told them every story I could remember of how the religion of the “Son of David” was forced onto us in the past and how humanitarian equalitarianism, its corollary (for the man-loving person “God” is supposed to look upon every human soul as infinitely precious — which we National Socialists do not) followed it. In Assam, some 25 kilometers from the Chinese border — at the limit of the world influenced by Aryan thought, I spoke of Hypatia to my listeners — in Bengali. I felt I was avenging her.
And my first book in English (my two doctorate theses are in French and so is my L’Etang aux Lotus [The Lotus Pond], first impressions of India) was dedicated not to any Indian “guru,” but to “Divine Julian, Emperor of the Hellenes and the Romans, 360-363” — to “Divine Julian,” my second love — Alexander the Great being the first and Adolf Hitler the third. I became conscious of being His [Hitler’s] disciple as late — alas! — as 1929, although I admired Him before, but as a foreign Leader, not yet as my Leader.
You say agnosticism is the only faith of non-Christian Europeans. I am an agnostic in the way I “do not know” much, “agnoeô pôlla.” But I need to worship — not a personal God of course, exterior to the universe, but divine Nature of which man is only an infinitesimal part. I worship the Beauty of the universe: its Order and Rhythms. I don’t need a personal God to relieve me of my toothache or of my troubles. Never had a “problem” or a “cas de conscience” [guilty conscience] — as I have no experience of inner conflict. My only “problems” were — and still are . . . financial! I enjoy ceremonies and rites. One can have them without believing in the supernatural, but only in known and yet unknown Nature. One can celebrate the Solstices and the Equinoxes as groups of our National Socialist comrades in France, Canada, and the USA do. And we can fast completely on the 8th of May — anniversary of the disaster of 1945 — and on the 16th of October, anniversary of the death of the first martyrs of Nuremberg in 1946, as I have been doing all these years. On the ship that brought me to Europe after the war (unfortunately I could not come before and actually fight the enemy in Europe) I had to fill a form. Opposite the word “Religion” I wrote “National Socialist,” and was told, “This is no faith” but an association of criminals. I replied: “Then look upon me as a ‘criminal’ for I feel myself personally responsible for whatever was done in the name of my faith. And if I can’t write that word, let me write ‘Sun-worshipper,’ i.e., worshipper of Light and Life.”
No more for now.
Do you know Robert Ambelain’s books? Jésus, ou le mortel secret des Templiers [Jesus, or The Fatal Secret of the Templars], La vie secrete de Saint Paul [The Secret Life of Saint Paul], and Les Lourds secrets du Golgotha [The Heavy Secrets of Golgotha]. They were edited [published] at Robert Laffont’s — 6 place Saint-Sulpice, 75006 PARIS — in the collection Les Enigmes de l’Univers [The Mysteries of the Universe].
Robert Ambelain is a scholar, knowing Hebrew (as well as Greek and Latin, of course) and a student of the Kabbala. The arguments he puts forth in favor of his thesis — his Truth about the historical person of Jesus, which he says is a secret known to the highest dignitaries of the Church — are very convincing, to me at least. He proves — or tries to prove — that the “Christ” of the Gospels is a pure concoction of “Saint” Paul, while the real Jesus was the son of Judah of Gamala and, like his father (and grandfather Ezekias), an offspring of the family of David and a “freedom fighter,” in fact the Leader of the Jewish resistance against the Romans, in Ambelain’s words, “un maquisard Juif” [a Jewish guerilla].
If so, this would be an extra reason for my having nothing to do with him. The Romans were Aryans like myself and tolerant in matters of religion, as all people of Antiquity, save the blessed Jews. And if he is not, if the Gospels (all written in or after the 4th century AD) are to be taken as relating facts, I still less desire any contact with him. For one thing in the Gospels — it is in Mark in fact — put me right off him decades ago, and that is the story of the poor fig tree he is said to have cursed and killed for not producing figs out of season! What a silly thing to do, for a so-called “Son of God,” to seek fruit on any tree out of season! And what a mean, repulsive reaction on his part, to take revenge on the beautiful living Tree, and make it wither — its green leaves full of sap all dried up — because it simply followed the divine natural laws of its being! I can be no follower of such a man, and if — as you seem to think — he was not a Jew but one of our racial brothers, I still more feel repelled, for then his instincts should have taught him better. We Aryans love trees (and all Nature, in fact).
The episode of the “Gadarene swine” also repels me. Why should the cast out “devils” be allowed to go and torment the unfortunate beasts, to free a wretched lunatic? I am not — never was — for curing people at the expense of animals. Cure them at the expense of dangerous human beings — enemies — or not at all! That is why I have no respect for “scientific research” on animals, consider it criminal, and never would use its products (antibiotics are extracts from mushrooms — otherwise I never would have taken any, even to save my right hand).
It is perhaps that super importance it gives to the two-legged mammal of any race or state of health — the fact that it puts an idiot (I once saw an idiots’ asylum when I was 16; it impressed me for life) — above the most beautiful royal Bengal tiger (the enormous cat!) and tells us we should “love” him more because he is “a man,” that made me hate Christianity from the start. I would blow up the whole of New Delhi — including myself — if at that price I could save one tiger or lion or leopard, and I would blow up the whole world if that were the price for the reunification of Germany and the reappearance among Europe’s élite of the finest Nordic Aryans — of what an anti-Nazi (Kogan) once called The SS State.
In fact, I love the Aryan race for the very same reason I love felines: because of its physical, visible beauty. (I am not so sure of its average superiority of intelligence, otherwise anti-Nazi propaganda would not have had, after 1945, the success it enjoyed, and is still enjoying. I have no regard whatsoever for people who are moved at the sight of the TV film Holocaust. (I could not care less even if it were “true”!) But many of them are beautiful, and whatever their views and beliefs (that don’t count in my eyes) they are able to produce beautiful children of the best blood, who in time we National Socialists shall be able to win over — children as beautiful on the human level as tiger kittens are on the feline level. Aristocracy of the species, with heavier duties and a higher call than the rest.
Excuse me for writing no more. My hand now pains. Let’s put off this talk to another time.
And do not bear a grudge against me if some of my views — if all of them perhaps — shock you. I’d rather shock you than lie to you. I can only lie — occasionally and clumsily — “in the interest of the cause.”
With the ritual salutation of the faithful,
Savitri Dêvi Mukjerji