Letter from Savitri Devi to Revilo P. Oliver – 12 July 1979
120 words
New Delhi
12 July 1979
P.S. Have begun to read the big book you so kindly sent me: William Gayley Simpson’s Which Way Western Man. Am up to page 59 — with all the more enthusiasm that this man is coming on our racialist views after and in spite of his former attachment to the “classical” Jesus of the Gospels. Am continuing to read — despite the fact that I am half blind (right eye suffering from cataract, not yet ripe enough to be operated, and left eye reading only through an enormous magnifying glass).
Thank you again and again for this book. Il est passionnant! [It is enthralling!]
Avec la salutation rituelle des fidèles [with the ritual salutation of the faithful],
Savitri Dêvi Mukherji