Letter from Savitri Devi to Young Comrade A – 15 January 1975
2,089 words
[New Delhi]
15 January 1975
Excuse me if you find any rubbish in this letter. I have no time to re-read it if I want it to go now, and I was so tired last night when I finished it, that I might have written nonsense.
Dearest Comrade A,
Now at last I took up your letter and am answering it systematically — item by item. I already wrote the address of the antiquarian in Bielefeld who procured me (for 50 Deutsch marks) the book Odal of J. von Leers. That was in the early nineteen-fifties. Now the prices might have gone up a little. Anyhow, 50 DM are about 12 dollars and something (50 make 150 rupees and 10 dollars 160). It is better than giving 95 dollars for Gold in the Furnace that is anything but as valuable as J. von Leers’ book, for it is a series of personal impressions of (and sketches of) Germany in 1948, while J. von Leers’ Odal is a thoroughly objective survey of the evolution of laws concerning German peasantry in particular and Germanic peasantry in general, from the happy Bronze Age to the introduction (per force) of the foreign cult (Christianity): in Germany, in the 8th century — 772, desecration of the Externsteine; 782, beheading of the 4,500 German chiefs who stubbornly refused the foreign creed in Verden on the Aller River (I went on pilgrimage to the place and remained a whole day there); in Norway, around the year 1000 and later in Sweden, in Danemark a little before (Sven Gabelbart in the 10th century returned to the Norse gods of old and triumphantly restored their cult. But his successors were forced into the acceptance of Christianity once more, through defeat at the hands of Christian foes of Nordic stock). It is also a picture of the spirit of the old gods again and again trying to come through, in spite of persecutions, in the peasant movements against the Churches. (But Luther was against that spirit, and helped the princes, on biblical grounds, to crush the peasant movements in the 16th century.) This book is a mine of historic information, and the last chapter, “The Victory of the Odal Spirit,” is about how the age-old Nordic ideas triumphed in our days in . . . National Socialism. J. von Leers has also written a remarkable Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus.
I told you already I not only met him, but was with him every day for a few hours, for over one month, when in Egypt in 1957. As he could not put me up, he suggested to one of his Egyptian friends — Mahmud Saleh, the President (then) of the Cairo “Anti-Zionist Association,” to do so. Mahmud Saleh was married to a Palestinian Muslim girl who met him after his release from a Jewish concentration camp where he remained five whole years (had been betrayed and “trapped” in the desert, near the end of the war while in the service of Germany). His wife and two young daughters — Tiy and Nefertiti, he gave them old Egyptian names, as I met in Persia Muslim children with good old Aryan names out of pre-651 Iran (previous to the Arab conquest, I mean, which took place in 651 AD). When I left, Mr. Saleh and his wife asked me as a special favor for one of the many photos of our Führer, which I had. I gave them one. “It will always remain, in our house, in the first place of honor,” they told me — and meant it.
J. von Leers was not (as were so many Germans) in any way “anti-Slav.” “Slavs are Aryans,” he used to say. And they are. And “the German hammer-bearing god Thor, and the Slavonic hammer-bearing god Perun got on splendidly — and so did their worshippers. Trouble began when Christian Germans got it into their heads to Christianize the Slavs, up to then faithful to their old creed and customs.” Mind you, they treated the Prussians (of Germanic stock, they) no better. The Prussians still worshipped the old Norse gods as late as the 14th century AD (when King Edward the Second ruled England — before his awful end).
Here in India, there are swastikas everywhere — on earrings, necklaces, rings. On that fatal 1 March 1974, I was robbed of a swastika pendant shaped like this,
even a little larger. I had it on my chain of 77 grams of which I was also robbed — as well as a swastika ring of 22 grams (a “lala” = 11 grams) in this shape (for forefinger).
I also had swastikas on one of my 14 pairs of bangles. (I had bought all that gold decades ago when you could have for 60 to 80 rupees a pair of 22 carat gold bangles that would now cost over 2000 (if weighing 30 to 35 grams, 700 rupees per lala). My swastika bangles were like this.
I used to wear the [illegible] — had been wearing it for 40 years — day and night. Had been alone — or with one man-servant to carry my bedding, as in 1937, when I went from Hardiwar on foot there and back to the source of the Ganges — 400 miles in all which I covered on foot — nigh, sleeping either at the pilgrim sheds or in the grass under the starry sky, in that gorgeous landscape of the Himalayas. The young man who carried my bedding was perfectly correct — always kept his distance. And I was not robbed . . . but was here, being immobilized and silenced (gagged) in the midst of the bustling town crowd, at 8 pm!!
900 rupees (a little less than 100 dollars) is nowadays the price of 22 carat gold jewelry (with or without swastikas). The making is cheap compared to the gold.
I suggest you write directly to my jeweler: Sri P. B. Sarkar (SARCAR), 89 Chowringee Avenue, Calcutta, mentioning me (you can tell them of my having been stripped of all the gold they — and his predecessor, formerly — sold to me). I’ll buy one or two swastika items for myself — at least a pair of bangles, a ring, and a pendant later on — with the profit from my book now being printed, if there is any profit, that is to say. If not, I’ll just go without. (There are many far more urgent expenses, i.e., other writings to be printed, especially my book in German Hart wie Kruppstahl waiting for lack of funds since 1963!) First that and later on, if possible, replace an item or two of my stolen jewelry.
You can also write to the jeweler: Mehra (MEHRA) and Sons, South Extension Market, Part I, New Delhi 49. My landlady knows them well.
Jewelry can be sent abroad in not merely registered but insured packages.
I still have one chain and one swastika pendant of this shape:
Now I have been scared, naturally I don’t wear it.
Now I entirely agree with you about the NSWPP and the former ANP. The NS principles are no nation’s — not even Germany’s, although Germany had the honor of bearing the Führer and of being (chronologically) the first nation in which the eternal principles were made to inspire politics. Still the ideas belong to the Aryan race of all lands.
In fact [a] number of Indian Aryans are not only more Aryan-conscious than most Westerners, but physically more Aryan than most South Europeans. I’ve known once in Lahore a Kashmiri family, the Kauls (parents and five grown-up children, four sons and a daughter) that could have passed off for Britishers, not Mediterranean people. The father and two of the sons have blue eyes. The daughter (Kamini was her name: the desirable) had light brown eyes (like mine) but was a beauty: ivory colored, with perfect Aryan features. I met many more in Kashmir. Well Mrs. Gandhi — wedded to a Parsi, not to any man of “Gandhi’s” family as so many non-Indians believe — is fair and Aryan-looking enough whatever be the democratic prejudices she might have (and share, alas, with so many Western Aryans). I met fair, and seldom, but sometimes, blue-eyed or grey-eyed Brahmins in Maharashtra — especially Pandit Raywarde’s family (Pandit Raywarde was one of the most intelligent admirers of our Adolf Hitler I met) and the Abhiandar family, and that of Mr. Ketkar (the grandson of great Tilak, the author of The Arctic Home in the Vedas). Ketkar’s daughter has blue eyes, and Ketkar himself is (like most upper caste Hindus) practically as fair as a European under, but sunburnt on face and hands, legs and feet, and all exposed parts of the body.
But just as you say Hitlerism must be “American” (but intelligently so) in the USA, so must it be — according to Swami Satyananda’s words to me as he accepted me as a Westerner in his “Hindu Mission” in 1936 — in India “presented through Hindu expression and integrated into Aryan Tradition as it has survived in India.” He used to openly present our Führer to Hindu crowds as “the one Incarnation of Vishnu in the West” — Vishnu the Force that endeavors to “keep” things as they were in their original perfection, i.e., the Force “Against Time.” He did, and it looked perfectly natural. And so did I. And so do I still today. I call him “not the Kalki Incarnation, The One Who is to Come,” but his Forerunner.
I too find a lot of the zealots of our ideas in the USA just . . . childish, and often more harmful than useful. I too am not a member of the NSWPP but only of the WUNS.
I often wish I could come over and lecture in [the] USA before members of the party and sympathizers — don’t be shocked — even before Negro crowds, in favor of segregation in their own interest, and of repacking to “Guinea” (Africa). The real dangerous enemy is the Jew, not the Negro. For it is the Jew who “manipulates” the Negro and shapes his mind, not the reverse.
As for the “deep South,” please don’t go and imagine I was “impressed” by such literature as Kyle Onstott’s Mandingo, which was lent to me by the man in France, not in India. It is his even more disgusting Child of the Sun, the story of Varius Hassianus,[1] that degenerate Syrian who sat on the Caesars’ throne, that I read here now, my landlady’s daughter (on 23!) having lent me the stuff because it “speaks of Antiquity.”
I have no objection whatsoever against slavery of the inferior two-legged mammal — by far less noble than the noble horse. (If one uses the horse, why not the man?) Of course, I am for treating kindly both slaves, if one is to have any, and cattle.
And, contrary to many a racially-conscious Aryan from the Old South of the USA, I am definitely against sexual intercourse between master and slave — [illegible] a woman of any inferior race — let alone Negro. It’s a disgrace, anyhow. And most inconsistent with what I call racial pride.
If the numbers of the sub-human races are threatening to become too large, sterilize them (the females, preferably). Don’t go adding to the Negro trouble a worse mongrel trouble — for the mixed Negro, as all mixed individuals, is worse (not better) than the Negro; less simple.
I hope you will excuse me for the delay. I seem never to be able to write a letter at one stretch. Always interruptions of some sort.
Now of the five cats that lived with me in my room (purring in my bed and keeping me warm at night) only two are left since yesterday. My room feels strangely empty. One cat was killed by the dogs on the ground floor (my landlady’s). On the day before yesterday, in the morning, I found my beautiful reddish-yellow stripy cat, dead. (Its nose had been choked for quite a few weeks.) The next day, yesterday, my tiny wee kitten — which had swastikas in darker yellowish [illegible] on each side of its flanks — was dead also. He could hardly breathe, on account of nose choked. I buried him in a lovely[2] place, near the two others.
No more for today. The time is passed for accepting the answers to the questions. I have now to re-read my letters, what is not clear enough.
Questions: Puis-je? or Est-ce-que je peux? May I? rather than Can I? That is the French expression you asked me? Or was it someone else who did it? It is 2 am, and I am so tired that I can remember no more. Excuse me! But I must finish my letter now, so as to post it early tomorrow.
With the everlasting greeting of the faithful,
H. H.
Savitri Dêvi Mukherji
[1] Better known as Elagabalus or Heliogabalus.
[2] Or “lonely.”