Letters to Matt Koehl – Part 9
26 September 1982
This is the last known letter from Savitri Devi to Matt Koehl. Savitri died less than a month later, on 22 October 1982, just after midnight, at the home of her friend Muriel Gantry in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England. (On Savitri’s death, see Muriel Gantry’s “The Last Days of Savitri Devi,” a selection from her letters to Beryl Cheetham.) We wish to thank Matt Koehl of the NEW ORDER for preserving Savitri’s letters to him, photocopying them for the Archive, and giving us permission to publish them.
—R. G. Fowler
26 September 1982
Dearest Comrade Matt Koehl,
I have been here at Frau Ederer’s—a fine fighter for truth against all manner of calumny heaped against Germany ever since 1945 and already long before—from the day I had to leave Prien, as Frau Asmus herself had to move.
Frau Ederer is expecting people of her family—son and grandchildren—very soon so I have to go also from here. Am expecting to be on next Friday and Saturday—1 and 2 October—in Lausanne (Switzerland) with G.A. Amaudruz [address omitted—Ed.] and then go to Paris to see a few friends, but don’t know yet where I could stay there. I wrote to Saint-Loup [address omitted—Ed.] and to a couple of other comrades but have yet no answer. I am also waiting for an answer from an English friend [Muriel Gantry—Ed.] who has a cottage of her own and where I could stay till early November. I hope I will be allowed to land after twenty years.
In case I cannot, could I come over to the USA a little earlier than expected? Would you yourself, whom I have not yet seen, but whose features I know from photos and which I could recognize in spite of my defective eyesight, come to pick me up at the airport or boat (the cheapest)? Landing all by myself would be of no inconvenience to me if at least my eyesight were normal. I don’t want the wrong people to pick me up, taking advantage of my incapacity to find out that they are none of my comrades, anything but. Excuse me if I seem stupid, but the many “gangster stories” one hears have made me feel nervous (mißtraurish).
I have followed the happenings in the Near East, especially Lebanon, all these weeks. Those happenings—given the fact that most people are or pretend to be softhearted wherever the two-legged mammal of whatever race is concerned—are looking for us, against our enemies. The Money Power is, of course, anything but “soft-hearted,” but might be, in its own interest, forced to take “public opinion” into account. The latter should be cleverly stirred.
I am enclosing a leaflet showing you the plight of unfortunate Germany in the clutches of the persecutors of her natural élite, which is the élite of our race. A faithful German SS officer, William Schubert, one among thousands, served ten long years as a prisoner in Siberia, and was released in 1956, twenty-seven years ago. The Russians who took him to the border told him. “Stay in East Germany where you are now free. There—i.e., in West Germany—they’ll pitch you into prison again! The unfortunate SS man, however, would go—wanted to see his family after ten years. After two weeks he was arrested by the West German authorities: sentenced to prison for life. Is still behind bars now, 1982. That is Europe: one great KZ Lager [concentration camp—Ed.]. From the USA—if still alive—I want to go back to India where one is free.
With the best greeting
Savitri Dêvi Mukherji
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