Hope & Wait
by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
Originally from https://counter-currents.com/2014/11/hope-and-wait/
112 words
For Savitri Devi
Defeated? No, not defeated, not yet,
Not ever. I am not going to forget,
I am not willing to forgive, I am
Not inclined to pretend that any damn
Thing has changed except time. Which I regret,
But I can do nothing about time. Let
It pass, let it roll on, it’s not a threat
To me. I consider that boogeyman
Defeated. No,
I have higher wars to wage. I must set
Things right, I must avenge the dead, I get
Older but not old. What I will, I can.
I can fight on. I must. I do not plan
To end my days wearing the sobriquet:
Defeated. No.
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